Thursday, 12 June 2014

It's hard to be a Brit in France

My time in France is coming to a close, and I wanted to write a meaningful post about the experience… but all I could think of were reasons WHY it’s so damn hard to be British in France!
So here goes:


Sorry! It’s not my fault we don’t run around kissing everyone in Britain.  Which side first? I’m often doing the try-to-walk-around-someone-and-both-move-in-the-same-direction thing, but with my face. At which point, French men have been known to take my hand and give me a firm shake. Yeah, that’s right. I’m too retarded for bisous.


The French hate indecisiveness. I’m being indecisive because I want to let you make the decision so that I’m not causing any trouble. They also don’t understand when I wait to be offered something rather than demanding for it outright. I mean, when I first got here, the family opened the fridge and told me that if I’m ever hungry I can just eat whatever I want. IT GOES AGAINST EVERYTHING I KNOW. They also don’t understand why I apologise even when things aren’t my fault, or say thank you even if something goes wrong. BECAUSE I’M BRITISH, AND THAT’S WHAT WE DO!!

They think it’s weird that I offered the builders tea

Okay, so maybe it should’ve been coffee, but apparently if someone is doing work on your house in this country, you don’t offer them a drink. SHEEEEESH! So impolite!!


No one understands why I’m so upset that the only milk we have is UHT milk. Tea doesn’t taste the same, but I’ve learnt to live with it. My disappointment at the lack of rich tea biscuits is everlasting, though.

Wine tastings

In Britain, we do not spit out wine. Every wine festival has ended in disaster…

Please! Don’t ask me about English grammar

Us Brits just aren’t taught grammar the way that the French are. Yes, I understand that I’m an English student, but I still can’t answer your question as to why “badest” isn’t a word! It just isn’t, okay?!?!

Cheese, cheese everywhere! And bread! And more wine!

I find it hard not to laugh every time when the family are trying to make the little boy eat healthily, and they say “you can either have cheese or fruit.” Cracks me up. Also, every time someone asks for the cheese, and I open the fridge and say, “Lequel?”

People who think they speak English

When certain French people try to speak English and they can’t, but I’m too British to point out that I can’t understand what the feck they’re saying… Ugh, it’s so hard.

Eye contact is not an invitation…

I have to avoid making eye contact with men on public transport, because they seem to think it means I want them to come over and ask if I want to go home with them. No, no that’s not what my eyes are saying. My eyes are saying, “Va te faire foutre!”

Giant bugs

And lizards. Bugs and lizards everywhere. If the cat doesn’t keep bringing them into my room I might have to kill it. This is not cool. Not cool Grisouille, not cool.

Tone of voice

Sarcasm doesn’t seem to exist here, and I can never tell if French people are angry or excited. This makes for some very awkward conversations.

Coming to terms with the word “si”

Oui… Non… SI! Si! This word needs to exist in English.

Knowledge of the EU is too low to partake in serious conversations

I've overcome this issue with the aid of Daily Mail archives and wikipedia. Seriously had to start reading and looking at maps because being so geographically and politically unaware was just embarrassing. Embarrassing.

I have to formulate an opinion on the royal family

I’m suddenly expected to have an opinion on monarchism, and every time I agree with something a member of the royal family has said, I’m regarded as a complete royalist with the intension of condemning the French’s decision to behead their king. UGH, I HONESTLY DON’T CARE, BUT MAKE ONE MORE JOKE ABOUT THE QUEEN AND I’M COMING AT YOU!


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