Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Let’s teach British Values in schools! I suppose that means hypocrisy, then

I meant to post about this when the issue was first introduced, but I was busy soaking up the French sun before I return to rainy ol’ England.

So as a result of spats between certain government officials, children should now be taught “British values” in school… but what values are these? Are we not a democracy, so shouldn’t we all have a say in what these British values are? I don’t remember being asked what my values as a British citizen are, do you?
Oh, so we mean teaching tolerance and equality!

Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up, maybe if we’re teaching tolerance we’ll have OFSTED stop running around telling qualified teachers how to teach and pupils how to learn. But of course, that’s too much of a dream…
In all honesty, I just can’t get my head around how Gove axes literature that teaches tolerance from the syllabus because it’s “foreign” and students don’t study enough “British” literature, and then he says children need to understand the British value of tolerance. This sounds a little hypocritical to me.

In all honesty, if we’re going to start looking at tolerance, we need to look at the facts. How is it that less than 10% of hate crimes are taken seriously by the police, if we’re such a tolerant nation? How is it that UKIP just got majority votes in the European Election, despite their sexist, racist, and homophobic remarks, if we’re so welcoming to anyone who isn’t a straight white male? I do understand that only 33% of the UK voted, but that means that 67% of Brits are complacent about such issues.

So if we really want to promote “British values” how about this:
Instead of barging into schools with high Muslim populations and telling them not to become terrorists (yeah, come on. We all know what this is really about. Don’t sugar coat it!), we start dealing with the REAL problem, which is that majority of British children are geographically, culturally, and politically unaware.
When I arrived in France and started meeting other students from all over the planet, I became aware of how ignorant I was. It’s true! There were plenty of countries that were previous British colonies that I had no idea about. Embarrassing. How is it that we’re so “tolerant” when we know nothing about anyone, despite the fact that we marched into their countries, raped their women and murdered their men, ravaged their lands and made slaves of their children?

Oh! I know why! It’s because these parts of history aren’t taught very well, and because the books that talk about this kind of thing have been axed from the syllabus. Silly me. There I was thinking that maybe a tolerant country would teach the mistakes of its past and hold firm links with its ex-colonies and European partners to ensure that equality really did exist. My mistake.

The fact of the matter is that this “British values” malarkey is the latest in a very, very long string of BS presented by our current government. If we want to enforce tolerance, we need to start presenting people (not just children) with opportunities to open their minds. For example, literature that challenges racism, sexism, homophobia.

An emphasis on languages, with the specific focus on USING these language skills and what it means to be able to communicate with different countries and cultures. Languages shouldn’t be a case of “should I learn a language?” but rather “WHICH language should I learn?” with the option of learning a range of languages (and not only European languages) and with government funding into student exchange programmes.
I’m sure there are plenty of excuses not to organise something like this, but similar schemes seem to work well in Germany and Canada… (Just sayin’.)

I’m sure teaching children more about the actual countries in the world, along with their cultures, would also be more useful that all that time I spent in maths class learning all that SIN COS TAN stuff that I don’t even remember – but you know, we use that in everyday life and that’s why we prioritise it over subjects like Religious Education and Modern Languages.

Anyway, that’s just my opinion… I mean, I could be completely wrong, and 67% of the population could’ve merely forgotten about the EP elections, and 90% of hate crime reports could have just resolved themselves magically whilst collecting dust in a deep dark corner of the police report system, and Gove could be coming down with an early onset of Alzheimer’s and not realise the mixed signals he’s sending, and I could be the only person in Britain who doesn’t know our “dark history” in detail, and maybe I’m just a dreamer. Just a dreamer.

But I doubt it. 


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